The Commuter
Amanda Vaughn is a graduate student at UT and an ardent bike commuter around town. Hover over the pictures to read about Amanda.
Amanda Vaughn is a graduate student at UT and an ardent bike commuter around town. Hover over the pictures to read about Amanda.
Amanda Vaughn is a graduate student at UT who has been bike commuting to campus for several years. She said her commute involves roads that are poorly maintained and that she often has to change her routes due to new construction around town. UT Austin Campus, November 16, 2016.
Amanda has had to move further and further from the center of the city due to rising rent prices, but that commuting by car or bus from where she lives in University Hills is incredibly inefficient, so she bikes around 20 miles a day to work. North Austin, November 26, 2016.
Amanda said that despite there being new bike lanes on parts of her commute, drivers are still not cautious about cyclists and that a girl was run over by a truck while biking on her bike route home. Austin, TX, November 26, 2016.
Amanda said parts of her commute can get rather scary, and that drivers who don't give her enough space and debris on the road have put her in some dangerous situations crossing the bridge over I-35. North Austin, November 16, 2016.