
I currently serve as an Assistant Professor of Environmental Communications at Unity Environmental University and graduated from UT Austin where I received a PhD in Plant Biology as a member of the Jha lab. I am broadly interested in making conservation science a more inclusive space and am an avid supporter of community science approaches. I also make media that is focused on the intersection of science and society and think science is for everyone. When I'm not sciencing, I like riding bikes and climbing rocks with my partner Lisa and my dog Ginny.

Come work with me!

I am always looking for undergraduates, grad students, collaborators, and community members who want to work together. As a queer scientist, I am an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusivity in STEM, strive to uplift underrepresented voices in ecology and conservation, and aim to create a welcoming, inclusive research environment. If you’d like to chat about working together, please reach out to me at!